The Lord placed this scripture in my heart, 17 O God, you have helped me from my earliest childhood—and I have constantly testified to others of the wonderful things you do. 18 And now that I am old and gray, don’t forsake me. Give me time to tell this new generation (and their children too) about all your mighty miracles. - Psalm 71:17-18 (TLB) -- I believe that this is my assignment from the Lord form here on; to share a better way for not only my family, but to yours as well. So that each generation will know the awesomeness of God. In every area of there lives. - Bishop George A. Copeland (Founder & CEO)

Invest what you have in several different things. You don’t know what bad things might happen on earth Ecclesiastes 11:2 (ERV) .


Hard work and diligence are necessary parts of building wealth and keeping it. However, the wisest earthly king that ever lived understood and taught the importance of leaving a legacy of wealth to future generations. That’s why he wrote in Proverbs 13:22: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren.”


In times like we are currently in; access to legal counsel and advice from qualified lawyers simply by calling a toll-free number. With many other benefits that are included can be a tremendous help, but even at the most basic level having a legal plan for you and youre family will allow you to have peace of mind.


 Consumption of sugar has never been higher while depleted soil, crop changes and seasonal inconsistencies are yielding less nutrient-dense food. Our bodies are desperate for nutrients but can’t solely rely on our food sources to deliver them anymore. This is why Youngevity’s 90 For Life™ system was created.